
About The Cleaning Authority - Cumming

Meet the People Behind Our Trusted Cleaning Service

Nelson is excited to be reestablishing The Cleaning Authority - Cumming.

Nelson relocated to the area from Venezuela, where he owned several businesses and a restaurant. Upon moving to the United States, he purchased The Cleaning Authority and another franchise focused on health food.

“I love providing a service to people and talking with them,” said Nelson.
“The Cleaning Authority - Cumming is a great fit for me.”

The area is experiencing rapid growth and The Cleaning Authority - Cumming is ready to step up to the resulting housecleaning needs. Nelson lives in the area and is excited to make a difference in his community.

Want to learn more about our Cumming house cleaning services? Contact our office by calling (678) 929-2353 today! We offer free price estimates and customized cleaning services.

The Cleaning Authority CARES

The Cleaning Authority Cumming is committed to serving the local community in ways that really matter. Learn how our team has helped make a difference. If you want to get involved, learn how you can participate in the giving.

How To Participate
Pounds of Food Collected: 3,531
Articles of Clothing Collected:
Bags of Food Collected: 583
Charity Donated to: The Church at Ware Hill, Place of Forsyth Cty, and Georgia Mountain Food Bank

Awards & Recognition

  • Mark of Excellence 2024

Life’s Too Short To Clean Your Own Home®.

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Part of the Authority Brands Family

Authority Brands is the leading provider of in-home services, building brands that support the success of franchisees as well as better the lives of the homeowners we serve and the people we employ.
