Tips for Post-Holiday Clean Up

The week in between Christmas and New Year’s Day is the perfect time to clean up and organize after the holidays. Check out these tips to ensure your home is back in order at the start of the new year!

  1. Figure out what can be recycled, burned, or trashed. Americans throw away 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day than any other time of year. We acquire many things during the holiday season – Christmas trees, holiday lights, cardboard boxes, greeting cards, wrapping paper, ribbons, and much more! Contact your local trash and recycling service to find out what exactly can be recycled or discarded in your community.
  1. Declutter holiday décor! When taking down the decorations, think about what you will want to use next year. Do you have so many ornaments that half stay in storage, lights with burnt out bulbs, or a stained holiday pillow? Take a minute to decide if you want to store it for another year. If it is gently used but someone else can benefit from it, consider donating to someone in need. Once you have decluttered, clean them and store in airtight labeled containers.
  2. Give the kitchen some well-deserved care! The holidays are a time to be grateful (and eat great food!), and chances are you have used the kitchen more than usual. Now is a good time to clean out the fridge of any leftovers that have been hiding in the back corner, donate any excess canned holiday items, and give appliances some TLC with our dry vapor system, designed to offer incredible cleaning power through its high pressure and steam temperature, perfect for your stovetop, oven, vents, faucets, countertops, and range hoods.
  3. Treat yourself to a deep clean your home needs! Start the New Year with a comfortable and clean home. Our exclusive Detail-Clean Rotation System is proven effective in over twenty million cleans. It is designed to be thorough and detail-oriented, and to emphasize quality!

Start 2023 with the comfort of a clean home!

For a free personalized estimate from The Cleaning Authority, visit: or call 888.658.0659!